Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bony Butts, Listen Up!

If you

* Take long airplane, bus trips
* Have a bony derierre

Then run out and buy an

* Inflatable Ring Cushion

Traveling light is paramount, but I won't leave home without my Inflatable Ring Cushion. Until recently I was flying 18 hour one-way trips every month and was having a terrible time sleeping. The trouble was my rear end. I noticed that my grandfather--who would often complain of "ass ache"--used a ring pillow to ease the pain. And just like that my problem was solved.

Some tips:

* Get an inflatable one. It will store compactly and ensure sufficient support.
* Get a "medical grade" one. You don't want it to develop a leak.

I bought mine in the medical section of a Wallgreens. Best $20 I ever spent.


  1. ,
    How big is this ring? diameter-wise

  2. @beautiful : It is 18" across. I believe it is the same one still offered at Walgreens called Medline Inflatable Ring Cushion.
