Friday, October 16, 2009

PG&E Dishwasher Rebate HOWTO

2. Fill out page 3. The tricky parts are:

Section 1
- PG&E Account Number is on your bill at the top left
- PG&E Electric Service ID is on the 2nd page at the top just under "Electric Account Detail"

Section 4
- Service ID # is the same as in section 1
- Product Code : "B35" or "B20". See page 1 of the pdf. They are listed in blue.
- Manufacturer: see dishwasher list
- Model #: see dishwasher list
- Unit Measure: "dishwasher"

3. Print and sign. Send in together with:

A. Retailer/Contractor name, address, and phone number
B. Itemized listing of each product including quantity, product description, manufacturer, model number, or other identifying information, i.e., SKU # as appropriate
C. Purchase price per product
D. Date “Paid in Full” or payment terms, such as “Charge” or “Net 30”
E. Product installation date