Monday, January 26, 2009

G1 Android problems connecting to my Linksys WRT110 Wifi

The only way I could get the Android G1 to even acknowledge the existence of my wireless network was to change from "Mixed" mode to "Wireless G" mode only. Before that the SSID wouldn't even show up; after that it has worked perfectly.

Windows Vista Killed my Network

Good thing my wife noticed that whenever I booted up my brand-spanking-new HP Pavillion dv7-1232nr, our whole wireless network would stop working. Nobody had internet connectivity!

Strange. REALLY strange. An OS that can bring down your network?!!!

After wading though a lot of MS propaganda (they must hire blog writers on Mechanical Turk) that the problems are with "your outdated router" I came across this post which explains that you should disable IPv6 in Windows Vista. I'll repeat here:

Ok, I think I figured it out: I had the same problem as people on this thread ... the WRT110 router with firmware V 1.0.04 crashed as soon as my HP Laptop with Vista and 3945A chipset tried to connect. 100% consistent.
This is the fix that worked for me: I went to the Control Panel --> Network connections ... right clicked on the "wireless" icon and selected "properties" from the menu, then I UNCHECKED the "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" entry ... and clicked OK. That's it, now it works reliably, never had a problem since!
I am disappointed in the Linksys service though, I would have figured they would have helped in this case instead of letting the customers spend HOURS to figure it out.

I also saw some posts which state that you should disable UPnP on the router. That didn't work for me, but YMMV.

Update (2010.03.11): This post seems to have figured everything out: